reenact|reenacted|reenacting|reenacts in English



act out a scene or event that took place in the past

Use "reenact|reenacted|reenacting|reenacts" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reenact|reenacted|reenacting|reenacts" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reenact|reenacted|reenacting|reenacts", or refer to the context using the word "reenact|reenacted|reenacting|reenacts" in the English Dictionary.

1. Reenact one or two experiences.

2. Outstanding field service experiences may be reenacted.

3. One or two outstanding experiences may be reenacted.

4. The functional Cutlasses work great for reenacting your own pirate battles

5. Gilead students reenact one of their preaching experiences

6. Arrange in advance to reenact one or two of them.

7. If so, explain how or reenact one or two experiences.

8. Example: She Chortles as her friend reenacts a scene from a comedy show

9. Posted by kittyCalash in History, Living History, material culture, Reenacting, Research ≈ 2 Comments

10. If time allows, relate or reenact a good local experience.

11. Washington’s Last Birthnight Ball Will Be Reenacted,” Washington Post February 1932

12. The insight Analysands develop into their transferences highlights their finding gratification in constantly reenacting painful interactions

13. During one portion of the program, the students reenacted some of their recent witnessing activity.

14. We'll induce a dream state in which Fry will reenact the day of December 31, 1999.

15. Troops of the condottieri legion march in battle formation while thespians reenact the horrors of Otranto.

16. 12 The little man would trot around, mumbling contentedly, reenacting heroic skirmishes with rabid Orks in cramped subterranean Squattish strongholds.

17. Asquare - Networked art by Garrett Lynch (IRL) Media kits that allow artists to reenact or create new performance art based on landmark performances.

18. Whether you are reenacting a Bodice-ripping romance novel, attending an age-old Renaissance Festival, or acting in a period play, we have the appropriate Bodice to

19. In 2002, following the initiative of canon Ian MacKenzie, Arthur's funeral was reenacted with a requiem mass at Worcester Cathedral, on occasion of the quincentenary of his death.

20. "Ambushing" In honor of the five-year anniversary of the New Orleans Saints' winning Super Bowl XLIV, Thomas Morstead and Chris Reis re-enact reenact the "Ambush" onside kick - which Morstead

21. ‘The Analysand can break free of the pattern of repetition only through reproducing or reenacting the trauma as opposed to simply repeating it; the Analysand must reexperience the trauma and its concomitant anxiety.’

22. My other plea at Easter time is that these scenes of Christ’s lonely sacrifice, laced with moments of denial and abandonment and, at least once, outright betrayal, must never be reenacted by us.

23. Particularly strong are The Painted Woman, in which a military man Bickeringly but erotically reenacts a lost love/wartime trauma (bonus: it contains a mini-treatise a la Beerbohm or Baudelaire on the value of cosmetics); Pleasure, in which two teenage lovers sit by a pond naming the painful things

24. The Catchlines of the several sections of this code printed in boldface type are intended as mere catchwords to indicate the contents of the section and shall not be deemed or taken to be titles of such sections, nor as any part of the section, nor, unless expressly so provided, shall they be so deemed when any of such sections, including the Catchlines, are amended or reenacted.